People all around the world are getting conscious about health , fitness & weight especially. Every street nowadays has a gym or zumba or aerobics centre . Also the market is flooded with weight loss centres and weight loss dieticians. But the focus everywhere is just the weight scale . i.e. to reduce the weight, but thats a wrong choice. As no one has analyzed the,
- cause of weight gain ,
- the effect of their weight loss programme and
- the after effects of weight loss on body and organs.
At dr sadanand's clinic we,
1.Analyse the cause of weight gain . as it is a surprising faqt that only 10-15% of obese people overeat. so there are causes of obesity other than those "calories concept".
2. We design a weight loss programme focused at removing the cause of obesity .
3. we cause selective fat loss and focus on removal of unhealthy fat folds . We do not make size Zero figures.
4. we do not cause weight loss by -
-decreasing the water proportion of the body
-decreasing the healthy muscle mass
-decreasing the bone density
-derranging the hormone axis
-decreasing the charm
5. dr sadanand's weight loss programmes give,
- antiaging effect
- improve skin tone
- cause selective fat loss to improve body proportiion and body figure
- muscles , bone and organ healthy
- improve hormone axis
- weight loss without supplement or powders or medicines or tablets
Its been 100% success
stories .
"we dont just reduce obesity, we treat it and heal it."